To override the default navigation behavior of the browser, call the setSource() function to supply new document text in a slot connected to this signal. The anchorClicked() signal is emitted when the user clicks an anchor. The home() slot sets the text to the very first document displayed. QTextBrowser provides backward() and forward() slots which you can use to implement Back and Forward buttons. You can track the current source by connecting to the sourceChanged() signal. When the user clicks on a hyperlink, the browser will call setSource() itself with the link's href value as argument. If a document name ends with an anchor (for example, " #anchor"), the text browser automatically scrolls to that position (using scrollToAnchor()). The name is looked up in a list of search paths and in the directory of the current document factory. The contents of QTextEdit are set with setHtml() or setPlainText(), but QTextBrowser also implements the setSource() function, making it possible to use a named document as the source text. If you just need to display a small piece of rich text use QLabel. If you want a text browser without hypertext navigation use QTextEdit, and use QTextEdit::setReadOnly() to disable editing. If you want to provide your users with an editable rich text editor, use QTextEdit. This class extends QTextEdit (in read-only mode), adding some navigation functionality so that users can follow links in hypertext documents.